List of DGCA approved ELP examiners

Here is the list of DGCA approved ELP examiners.

You can contact to the examiners and ask for ELP exam appointment. Hence, examinership can change time to time. So always contact to the examiners before planning for your ELP test.

List of examiners in India:


1.Capt Malik ( Delhi)         Email :[email protected]

2.Capt JK Rao(Mumbai)     Email :[email protected] , Ph : 9819730138

3.Capt. Pradeep Saini(Delhi) Email : [email protected] , Ph : 9833896818

4.Capt V S Ashok (Hyderabad) Email :[email protected]

5.Capt IK Khanna (Hyderabad) Email: [email protected]

6.Air India Delhi- Ph No:9871717469

7. Safdarjung(Delhi)- Ph No 011-24642650

8. Capt Harminder (Delhi )-Ph No 9810393332

9.Mrs Savita (Delhi ) -Ph No 9968227130

10.CFI Flytech( Hyderabad )- Ph No 9000000777

If you are flying in airline, your training department will take care of the part. You just need to appear for the test on the appointed date. Make sure you arrive at the center at least one hour before the exam. If you are individual pilot, looking for an appointment, you can contact the examiners personally and ask for an appointment.

The testing team consists of interlocutor ( who interacts with the trainee during the test in order to complete the speaking task. He/she is also responsible for conduct of assessment and resolve differences between the two raters, if any, and two member rater team comprising Operational expers, Language specialist expert.

Two raters will assign the score based on candidate's performance in the test.

The assignment will cover sic ICAO language proficiency skill areas of linguistic performance , Pronunciation, structure, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension and interactions.


If you need any assistance for applying for your schedule and venue for the ELP test, you can contact your course instructor inside the course. Always check for DGCA ELP guideline.


list of DGCA approved ELP examiners information given here are completely free and has no business motive. We do not claim authenticity of the information. always reffer to the respective individuals for latest information. hence, to furthur progress with your preparation course, enroll now.

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